One Direction

6th February 2014

Midnight Memories Blogger - Official Video Review

You've seen the NEW video for Midnight Memories and this week we asked you to blog about it! Check out what Christina has to say...

The Midnight Memories music video lives up to the bar previously set by Story Of My Life and Best Song Ever. It manages to capture each of the boys personalities as well as the true meaning of the lyrics of the song.

The video reflects the way real life actually goes. Parties are overrated. The real Midnight Memories happen when you're with the friends you truly care about, out on the town grabbing a bite to eat. You create fun things to do together, and the spontaneity is what makes your night truly memorable. Plus, the ones they use for examples really are funny and seem like they'd be awesome to actually do - racing electric scooters and stealing a police boat (although that one probably falls under the "do not try this at home" category).

The video itself is also very well put together - Louis' face in the beginning and the fact that the room is practically empty shows us just how lame the party is. Harry enters and starts singing, and the expression on his face is priceless. All of the shenanigans that the boys get into throughout their night are so random that they keep the viewer entertained. Except for when they were on the bridge - I couldn't help but be a bit scared for them during that!

The other thing that strikes me about this song and the video are the completely new sound that 1D has gone for. This song has a rock quality to it and it's a nice change. It keeps 1D's music interesting, as well as making it a bit more mature than their previous stuff. They're growing up and the music reflects that. The new sound is what makes this one of my favorite songs on the new 1D album, and it made me excited to see where they were going to go with the video. I feel like the video accurately captures just what the song was trying to get across - the best memories happen with your friends at midnight.

Watch the video for "Midnight Memories" here.

To own a copy of 'Midnight Memories', click this link: